Saturday, April 5, 2008

Met Towers

Spring is in the air here in central NYS! The crocuses are finally up and so is the first MET Tower.
In a field on Skillett Road, just west of the intersection of Rice Road stands the first MET Tower. Its purpose is to measure the wind for the potential of wind energy development in Scipio.
That field is about the highest spot in our town. I can remember when my mother stopped the car along Skillett Road there one spring day when I was about six and told me that. We looked ahead of us and saw Owasco Lake. Craning our necks around we could also see Cayuga Lake! Pretty impressive to a first grader, and this 55-year-old still stops at least once a year to see the same view.

Pretty soon it will be time to get out and get busy. It will also be an ideal time to "cemetery walk." Once the ground dries up and before the briars and berry bushes start to grow, take a ride or a walk through an old cemetery. I always take my camera and a pair of gloves, since I am pretty allergic to poison ivy! A digital camera is great for cemeteries. You can see right away if you have the right angle to actually read the stone.
There may be an association that is caring for that older cemetery that is a final resting place of one of your ancestors. Give them a call, I bet they would welcome your help for a clean-up day.

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