Friday, October 17, 2008

Schoolteachers in Scipio in the 1800's

I continue to read the Trustee minutes, and in November of 1821 find a new teacher by the name of Edward Ruggles engaged for four months at $12.00 a month and board.
Lydia Brownell is contracted in April of 1822 for a mere $6.00 a month and board. School that term doesn't start until May 6th. Lydia must be new to the profession for such a low salary.

This year the minutes reflect the amount of money taken in and expended. For April of 1821, $70.31 is taken in and $48.00 is spent. Then in the report of May 1822, Money received from the school commissioners is reported at $54.42 with $50.25 paid out of it for teacher's salaries.

The Trustees also apparently decided what they could afford, as there is a statement that a teacher is employed for five months at $8.00 per month as well as being boarded at some place convenient to the school house. Below that is written that an M. A. Chittenden (?) is the teacher.

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