Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Necessary House

I wonder how many of my readers know what a necessary house was? It has had many different names through the years, but the outhouse was indeed very necessary. I do not know what arrangements were prior to 1817, but I am sure everyone was pleased that in April of 1817, the School Trustees voted to built a necessary house for the accommodations of the scholars while at school.

Lowest bidder was Thomas Mannahan. He was given 2 months to erect a building 8feet long and 5 feet wide with a partition; two doors and 2 seats in each room. Thomas was to stud and side the frame, and plane the siding. The roof was to be covered with boards and shingles. All materials were included in his price of $12.00.

1 comment:

Roger A. Post said...

The carpentry work would have been enjoyable. Digging the pit, not so much, especially if the site was rocky.