Sunday, July 13, 2014

Comstock's History Page Twenty-two

CAYUGA COUNTY NEW YORK by Austin B. Comstock

I will be posting each page of this history separately. The index, posted on June 24, 2014 in 4 parts, provides the page numbers; you can also search the blog for a particular name appearing anywhere within it. 
The index is also being published at and will eventually have a link back to this blog.
I hope you find something new!

Page Twenty-two
of a worldly nature, still she was a kind-hearted woman and had the love and respect of all of her pupils and they were loyal to her and to the school she founded.
The Conservative Society of Friends of Scipio Yearly meeting was organized in 1851 and proceeded to build a meeting house on lands just south of the farm now owned by Mrs. Charles Cook. The people who started this society were James D. Otis, Samuel D. Otis, Nathan Cook, William Hazard, Sr., Nicolas D. Tripp, Alfred King, Samuel A. Cook, William C. Meader, Joseph Battey, Abial Garner, Edward Simkin, Jarvis Hoag, Thomas Lanborn, James Gorham, Rachel Hussey, Samuel Hussey, Martha McKeel, Sarah Haight, John P. Smith, William R. Taber and many others have been members of this Society. Alfred King, above named, was 100 years of age when he died (1814-1914). The writer was recently in the burial ground back of this “meeting house” and found that even there they have practiced the same quiet, plain ways that have endeared them to many of their friends and neighbors. No lofty and costly monuments, but simple, plain markers.
Now, regarding the Masonic Lodge. About 1814, Captain Richard Church built the house that was used many years later as the Hepsibeth Hussey School.
The upper part of this house was designed for Masonic Lodge purposes where a lodge was held during several succeeding years. There were evidences about the house to prove that a Royal Arch Chapter was also held here as well as the Blue Lodge.
Captain Church was William Allen Sr; Dr. Pearley Kinney, Secretary, and James McLaughlin, Tiler.
But one of the members remained in 1878. Major Phillip H. Buckhout who gave most of the information to S. W. Green, also a Mason. A member of Cayuga Lodge #221 of Scipio Center, Major Buckhout was also the grandfather of William F. Buckhout, late, of Scipioville. All the other members of the Lodge had “spread their last cement of brotherly love and affection” and have “laid their “working tools aside.”
We give the names of some of the members. Captain Seth Thomas of Revolutionary fame; Elisha Durkee; Sherman Beardsley; Judge Slover; James McLaughlin; old Jacob Morgan of 1812-1814 War; William Fish; Allen Thomas; James Aiken; Samuel Watkins; Dr. Pearley Kinney; Seth Sherwood; Captain Church of War of 1812-1814; John Winslow; J. Winter Branch; William Allen; Amos Rathbun and James McLaughlin, a speaker among Friends.
William Allen and Amos Rathbun were members of Assembly at different

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