Friday, July 18, 2014

Comstock's History Page Twenty-seven

CAYUGA COUNTY NEW YORK by Austin B. Comstock

I will be posting each page of this history separately. The index, posted on June 24, 2014 in 4 parts, provides the page numbers; you can also search the blog for a particular name appearing anywhere within it. 
The index is also being published at and will eventually have a link back to this blog.
I hope you find something new!

Page Twenty-seven
When the church was torn down Al Robertson built a house on the land, no one seeming to care to contest the title.
We are sorry to again call attention to the burial ground in back of this old church. I am informed that there were more than 100 burials there and that nearly all had markers; the small amount that is left is not over two or three rods square and the writer was there in the summer of 1938 and was unable to get through on account of weeds and brush and was unable to find over two tombstones, although I could not get to the center of the plot where there perhaps are more.
The law provides for a sum not in excess of $50.00 to be used to fence and improve any abandoned cemeteries. This is a good law as it is right that these old cemeteries be kept in reasonable condition so that the graves are not desecrated and so that if markers are present, relatives may be able to find out where friends are buried.
As the writer gets more facts that he is able to verify from County records he will extend this history of the Town of Scipio.
Much difficulty is being formed in getting authentic facts regarding the villages of Scipioville and Scipio Center as it appears that no one has taken the pains to write down anything that old settlers have told them and the “old timers” are like the history they helped to make, a thing of the past.
There are a few clues to some of this information, which I am now working on.


ukilrackham said...
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secoot said...
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