Sunday, November 23, 2008

Early Scipio and Ledyard Schools

I think it is probably time to write some more about our early schools. If you look at some of my blogs since my trip to the Archives in September, you'll see that I made copies of the Official Minutes and records of School Districts # 32 (Scipio) and #5 (Ledyard, formed off from Scipio). These records include names of teachers, and other interesting details.
Let's start at the annual meeting held at the house of Ezekiah Avery on May 3, 1823; Chair was Charles Kendall. This year is significant in that 1823 is the year Ledyard was formed off from Scipio.
The minutes reflect that it was Resolved that school be continued at the same place and be supported by the inhabitants of Ledyard and Venice, who were the old proprietors of the school before Scipio was divided.
It was also Resolved that Consider King be Clerk, and Trustees were Charles Kendall, Benjamin Avery and Samuel Tilley (?).

The next entry is for the annual meeting held May 3, 1824. The Trustees reported having sixteen dollars and ninety-three cents in their hands. The teacher employed that year was Amy Adams, at a salary of one dollar and sixteen cents per month.
The Trustees also reported that the money they received from the Commissioner of Common Schools that year was from Ledyard, $30.60 and from Venice $26.70.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sandie,
I'm curious to know if you have any information on the Scipio School that was at the corner of Cork St. Road and Walter's Road. I think it was #6. Our neighborhood had a summer picnic each year on the grounds with the fully furnished schoolhouse opened for us. My family, the Lawton family, lived at the corner of Cork St Rd and Mosher Road. Thanks, Kathy Lawton Purc, Sherwood Central, Class of 1963.

Sandie Stoker Gilliland said...

Hi, Kathy, nice to hear from you. I do have some information in a display over at the Scipio Offices on School #6. Another former student, Bob Bergerstock, broght me some report cards and an unfortunately rather poor quality photo, taken the last year the school was open. The teacher was Mrs. Byrne; students, Ronald Hermond, Bob Bergerstock, Lester French, Mary Jo Hermond, Betty Lou Killian and Duane and Joseph Bergerstock. I believe the year was 1946. Hope you enjoyed hearing these names from your old neighborhood!