Sunday, November 23, 2008

Early Scipio and Ledyard Schools

I think it is probably time to write some more about our early schools. If you look at some of my blogs since my trip to the Archives in September, you'll see that I made copies of the Official Minutes and records of School Districts # 32 (Scipio) and #5 (Ledyard, formed off from Scipio). These records include names of teachers, and other interesting details.
Let's start at the annual meeting held at the house of Ezekiah Avery on May 3, 1823; Chair was Charles Kendall. This year is significant in that 1823 is the year Ledyard was formed off from Scipio.
The minutes reflect that it was Resolved that school be continued at the same place and be supported by the inhabitants of Ledyard and Venice, who were the old proprietors of the school before Scipio was divided.
It was also Resolved that Consider King be Clerk, and Trustees were Charles Kendall, Benjamin Avery and Samuel Tilley (?).

The next entry is for the annual meeting held May 3, 1824. The Trustees reported having sixteen dollars and ninety-three cents in their hands. The teacher employed that year was Amy Adams, at a salary of one dollar and sixteen cents per month.
The Trustees also reported that the money they received from the Commissioner of Common Schools that year was from Ledyard, $30.60 and from Venice $26.70.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Historian's Conference

I had a great time at the APHNYS (Association of Public Historians of NYS) Conference in Lake Placid, NY last week. There were about 100 members attending, from all different sized towns, cities and historical societies. I attended some informative workshops, and plan to write about them later this week.
For today, I thought I would share a few web addresses.
First is, a website about the Hudson-Fulton-Champlain Quadricentennial of 2009. That year will mark the 400th anniversary of Hudson and of Champlain's voyages along the river and the lake that bear their names. It is also the 200th anniversary of Fulton's first successful steamboat trip.
Many of the towns and villages along their routes have special events and celebrations planned, so please explore this website for some vacation ideas for next summer that you and the kids can enjoy.
If you are a local historian, you should go to the APHNYS website at and explore information about next year's conference, scheduled for April 27 - 30 in Albany. It will be the 10th anniversary of APHNYS so they have planned a whole day at the NYS Archives complete with Archives staff assistance so we can get an idea of what wonderful resources are held there.
Albany will have quadricentennial celebrations going on all year. And while you are in the neighborhood, a stop at the NYS Military Museum and Veteran's Research Center in nearby Saratoga Springs NY would be very interesting. They have more than 10,000 military artifacts of all types, including battle flags from the Civil War. Their website is found at

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Nineteenth Amendment

Today is a very important day for Americans. I knew I was going to be away at a conference, so I mailed in my absentee ballot last week. I was able to vote for the first time in 1970, and I don't think I have missed a Presidential election yet.
The national right for women to vote did not arrive until the 19th amendment was passed only 50 years earlier, in 1920.
n 1873, Susan B. Anthony voted illegally for her President and was arrested and fined.
She made a speech in 1873 about voting that made the point that it was "we the people" not we the white male citizens who formed the union to secure the blessings of liberty, which include the right to vote.
I agree. So be sure to exercise your right and vote today.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Historian's Conference

I am so pleased to be attending the Fall Conference of the APHNYS - Association of Public Historians of New York State.
Their website is at I have held a membership since I became the Scipio Historian.
This organization provides access to information and contact information for other Historians and Historical Societies at their semi-annual conferences, and holds regional meetings throughout the year.
The workshops are wonderful. This Fall, I will be sitting in on a roundtable discussion with our new State Historian, Robert Weible. I will also go to a workshop on the Underground Railroad in Northern NY, a North Country Digital History/Historical Newspaper Project, Adirondack Architectural Heritage, the Tuberculosis History of Saranac Lake and then conclude with a roundtable of City, Town & Village Historians.
It is being held in Lake Placid this year during this first week of November, and I always find it relaxing to visit that area of our state.
Can't wait to return and tell you all about it!